My Pit Bull is Family is a national 501c3 non-profit working to unite all animal lovers with one goal: To end housing and insurance discrimination for dogs & their families.
My Pit Bull is Family is a 501c-3 non-profit organization based in Minneapolis, Minnesota with a mission to keep families and their canine companions together through ending housing and insurance discrimination. My Pit Bull is Family manages the nation’s largest database of dog inclusive rentals along with a robust Community Partner database – through these two programs we are able to provide services to families in need and keep pets at home.
Our team focuses on having conversations with property management companies, conducting pet policy research studies, building relationships in the community and providing resources to keep families together.
Additionally in 2019, we launched our North Minneapolis Pet Resource Center to support our local community. Our team of volunteer advocates assist pet loving community members with supplies and resources to help keep pets and their families together – at home.